вторник, 15 апреля 2014 г.

My Prayer of Dedication

Early version of the number 58 kingdom song od our current songbook. It was first appeared in the Hymns of the Millennial Dawn songbook, used by the Society from 1908-1928. It was sung by our brothers during Baptism . Some older ones may recall the tune(it was used in the 1950 "Songs to Jehovah's Praise too). this is a re-edition. I hope you enjoy!

Рано версия число 58 царства песни ОД наш текущий песенник. Он был впервые появились в гимнах песенника Тысячелетнее Дон, используемых Обществом от 1908-1928. Ее пели наши братья во Крещения. Некоторые старые могут вспомнить мелодию (она была использована в "Песни 1950 хвалить Иеговы тоже). Это переиздание. Надеюсь, вам понравится!

понедельник, 7 апреля 2014 г.

2011 Ежегодник, Пение Хвала Господу, с.17-21:

Пение песни хвалы Иегове является неотъемлемой частью нашего поклонения. В конвенций 2009, таким образом, Божьи служители были вне себя от радости, когда они сказали, нового песенника, пойте Господу. Но почему новый песенник нужен?
Время от времени, мы пересмотрели наши песенники, чтобы держать их в соответствии с увеличением духовного света. (Притч. 4:18) Подготовка нового песенника, таким образом, дает возможность для необходимых корректировок, которые будут сделаны на стихи наших песен. Формулировка была выбрана, что делает его легче поглотить смысл песни во время его пели и сделать слова легче запомнить. Чтобы помочь в дальнейшем с запоминанием, многие из песен были сокращены. В случае необходимости хоры были добавлены, чтобы обеспечить значимый повторение ключевых мыслей. Кроме того, были предприняты усилия, чтобы назначить каждый слог каждого слова в одной ноте, а не размещать более одного слога на заметку.
Тщательный анализ нашего предыдущего песенник, пойте Господу, показали, что некоторые мелодии необходимые коррективы, чтобы сделать их легче петь. В результате, некоторые из песен уже были снижены в поле так, чтобы высокие ноты легче петь. Кроме того, не все песни были спеты так, как они были написаны в книге. Таким образом, в некоторых случаях сама мелодия была скорректирована, чтобы соответствовать более естественный способ, которым песни были фактически в исполнении наших братьев на международном уровне.
Детали, такие как, как музыка печатается на странице, были уделять особое внимание. В то время как более длинные песни были распределены по двум страниц, чтобы вместить длинный текст переведенных языков, песни были расположены таким образом, что нет никакой необходимости, чтобы перевернуть страницу во время песни. Нет композиций длиннее трех стихов.
Как было мамонт задача подготовки нового песенник сделать? В августе 2007 года команда опытных сочиняет и лириков были приглашены, чтобы помочь Управляющий орган с проектом. Все песни в предыдущем песенника были рассмотрены тщательно для выявления проблем с доктринальной содержания, слова акцентом, и мелодичных вопросов. Было очевидно, что некоторые из старых мелодий были прекрасны, но что они требуют текст песни. Другие песни, которые требуют мало корректировки текста необходимо существенные изменения в их мелодии. Затем Преподавание Комитет Административного совета утвердил перечень тем, которые будут рассмотрены в песнях для христианских собраний, конвенций и преданность программ.
Кроме того, композиторы потребовалось время, чтобы пересмотреть стиль музыки, используемой нашими братьями на наших встречах. Для получения трепетное еще привлекательные песни, они избегали музыку, похожее гимнов, используемых в церквях христианского мира. В то же время, они не хотели хвалебные песни Господу склоняться к стилям, которые стали популярными во многих харизматических церквей.
На протяжении всего проекта, Административный совет тщательно контролироваться состав и слова каждой песни.Группы новых песен, что Административный совет не был знаком с записывались певцов для Административного совета, чтобы слушать и обзор. Как только были утверждены эти песни, они были отправлены в переводе филиалов для перевода текстов, так что народные песенники может быть выпущен в то же время, что и английского песенника.
Кроме того, в 2007 году Административный совет организовал хор певцов производить записи, которые помогут члены собрания, чтобы узнать песни. На протяжении многих лет на общественных началах оркестр из 14 филиалов собрал примерно два раза в год в Паттерсон, Нью-Йорк, чтобы записать музыку для образовательных программ, производимых Свидетелей Иеговы, в том числе драмы, видеопродукции и музыкального сопровождения для конвенций и агрегатов. Эти посвященные братья и сестры, многие из них министры полный рабочий день, использовать свое время и ресурсы, чтобы путешествовать и запись музыки на благо международного братства. Все опытные музыканты. Оркестровые записи затем поделился с филиалами по всему миру, чтобы обеспечить фоновую музыку для своих конвенций и для производства вокальных исполнений в десятках местных языках. Многие из вокальных записях, сделанных в филиалах, теперь доступны для скачивания с нашего веб-сайта www.jw.org .
То, что было реакцией на новый песенник, пойте Господу? Это письмо от сестры типична сотни благодарственных писем, которые были получены: "Пожалуйста, позвольте мне начать это письмо поблагодарить Вас за прекрасные новые песни в нашем новом песенника. Они движутся, укрепляет веру и утешительно - восхитительный подарок от Господа ".
Это наше желание, что песенник пойте Господу будет источником утешения и ободрения к нашему всемирному братству. Являемся ли мы в одиночку или собрались вместе с нашими соверующими, может мы используем его, чтобы выразить свою любовь к нашему Небесному Отцу, Иегове!

2009 Sing to Jehovah - Piano Accompaniment.


Content for this section is currently being created. It will be added as the schedule dictates, hopefully, as new songs are required, they will be added.
Eventually, it is hoped to have higher quality recordings but for now at least, they will serve as a vehicle for learning the music and lyrics.
Songs that have been recorded are red and linked to the MP3 file.
All of these have been beautifully recorded by a choir organized by the Worldwide Association of Jehovah's Witnesses. To download those files, go to the official site JW.org, click on theDownloads tab, select the Music link, select Sing to Jehovah - Vocal Renditions from the Recording dropdown menu.
To download the piano accompaniment, follow the steps above but select Sing to Jehovah - Piano Accompaniment.
PLEASE NOTE: All music on this site is recorded anonymously. If you know who is singing, please keep it to yourself. 

All Glory belongs to Jehovah.
A collection of songs from "Sing Praises to Jehovah"

Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe Jesus is God? YES they DO!!!

Brief explanaton why Jehovah's Witnesses view Jesus as God.
Is he Almighty? Is He equal to His Father?
Watch the video and learn what the Bible says
God bless you if you do.

PS By mistake i wrote the "Prince of Piece" ...sorry .Prince of Peace is the right one, i hate my keyboard,lol


Have you heard of WBBR the first radio Station of the Watchtower society? Brothers used it so spread the gems of Truth to many people. 
In this video- audio you may listen the Watchtower "Quartet" which sings an old kingdom song of that time. Brother Frederick Franz sings as a tenor (maybe you can recognize his voice)Enjoy brothers!

"All Hail" (Hymns of the Millennial Dawn songbook)

A beautiful old kingdom song that survived until 1950 ...
Its last name was "Hail the signal"and it was found for the last time as the kingdom song number 1 in the old green songbook "Songs to Jehovah's Praise"

"All Hail" (Hymns of the Millennial Dawn songbook)

A beautiful old kingdom song that survived until 1950 ...
Its last name was "Hail the signal"and it was found for the last time as the kingdom song number 1 in the old green songbook "Songs to Jehovah's Praise"

Do not be afraid Little Flock.

Some of the brothers served as members of the anointed remnant...How
happy we are to have kings and priests people who love Jehovah God
and Jesus!The background music was used in the Photodrama of
Creation too,and its lyrics are found in the first songbook
published by the Society in 1908(the majority of the brothers had
the heavenly hope back then). I hope you enjoy dear brothers:)

Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT related to Masons!!!

Отвечая на "Cross и Crown" обвинение. Библии (как Свидетели Иеговы были известны до 1931) использовали этот символ в совершенно по-другому. Узнайте больше, при просмотре видео

1928 "O For a Faith that will not shrink"

Old Kingdom song from the 1928 songbook. 
If you want some information about it,please read the Watchtower (w00 11/1 22-27) which is the story of Brother HERBERT MÜLLER
I dedicate this beautiful old kingdom song to a dear sister and her husband along with their family. 
May Jehovah bless their faith.

Songs of Praise to Jehovah "Take Sides With Jehovah!" Song #057

Songs of Praise to Jehovah "Take Sides With Jehovah!" Song

Old Kingdom Song by brother Read

Brother Read was a soloist during brother Russell's time
here is a rare recording from the society;s first songbook "Hymns of the millenial Dawn"

Photodrama Music

Beautiful music that was used in the "Photodrama of Creation"

Songs of the Bride 1879- A Little Flock

Bautiful old melody from the oldest of WatchTower's songbook, publised in 1879.
It was called "Songs of the Bride" and as the "Proclaimers" book says, this songbook was declaring the heavenly hope of our annointed brothers. It was used till 1908, when the "Hymns of the millennial Dawn" were published, as the 2nd songbook. 
I really liked the song 4 "A Little flock", which is appropriate concerning the following day of the Memorial. 
It is a very nice recording (reedition) . 
Enjoy one of the best and well known hymns or brothers used to sing back to brother Russell's days!!!!

1950 "All Hail" (Hymns of the Millennial Dawn songbook)

A beautiful old kingdom song that survived until 1950 ...
Its last name was "Hail the signal"and it was found for the last time as the kingdom song number 1 in the old green songbook "Songs to Jehovah's Praise"

Kingdom Song 163 from 1928 songbook

Ok, you definetly realised my love for old songbooks. I found this little hymn so charming. 
It is number 163 from the songbook "Songs of Praise to Jehovah 1928" based on a theme from Handel.
Old kingdom songs were usually based on classical music.
So, im trying to perform it in piano.
I'm not a great pianist, i just want to show the beautiful melody of this very good kingdom song

Видео уничтожено Kingdom song 28 Songs to Jehovah's Praise 1950

Old Kingdom song from the 1950 sonbook. When i heard some old brothers sing this i decided to present it,,,lovely isn't it?

1.How blessed and joyous the hours Which now in the servce we spend,

By using the best of our pow'rs The name of our God to defend!

With Kingdom truth fillng our mind And love in our hearts for the "sheep",

Delighing the meek ones to find, Our preaching commission we keep.

2.Alert to bear witness to all, We fearlessly stand on the street,

Rejoicing the slogans to cell; Opposers will find us discreet.

In calling at homes we make clear, Our motive is pure and well-meant;

With tactfulness we persevere The good news to ably pre-sent.

3.We gladly call back on the meek And aid them Jehovah to know;

With patience encourage the weak, Help them in the service to go

By preaching the Word ev'rywhere, We truly accomplish our aim:

The great final witness to share, And vindicate God's holy name

Зеркало "Kingdom songs" - Википедия англ.

Kingdom songs

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kingdom songs are the hymns sung by Jehovah's Witnesses at their religious meetings. Since 1879, the Watch Tower Society has published hymnal lyrics; by the 1920s they had published hundreds of adapted and original songs, and by the 1930s they referred to these as "Kingdom songs" in reference to God's Kingdom.[1]
With the 1966 release of Singing and Accompanying Yourselves with Music in Your Hearts, a policy was introduced to use only songs written by Witnesses. Subsequent collections were released in 1984 and in 2009, each retaining, retiring, or revising previous songs and introducing new songs. By 2010, an edition of their current hymnal Sing to Jehovah was available in 44 languages, including severalsign languages.
In addition to songbooks containing sheet music and lyrics, releases in various audio formats have included vocals in several languages, piano instrumentals, and orchestral arrangements. The orchestral arrangements, referred to as Kingdom Melodies, are drawn from the three most-recent collections. Jehovah's Witnesses use Kingdom songs in their worship at their congregations meetings and larger events.


In the late 19th century, the Bible Students (from which Jehovah's Witnesses arose) used many well-known songs and melodies. They also used well-known melodies set to their own texts. The prefaces of Songs of the Bride[2] and Poems and Hymns of Dawn[3] indicate that these hymnals include hymns adapted from other Protestant hymnals such as Hymns of the Morning,[4] Gospel Hymns,[5]Jubilee Harp,[6] Winnowed Hymns,[7] Epworth Hymnal[8] and Songs of Pilgrimage.[9] These melodies were often works of famous composers, includingLudwig van Beethoven and Joseph Haydn. Lyrics were often also adapted from works of famous hymnal writers including Philip P. BlissHoratius BonarFanny CrosbyPhilip DoddridgeThomas HastingsJohn NewtonIsaac Watts and Charles Wesley. Since 1966, efforts have been made to use only songs composed and written by members of their religion rather than adapting music or lyrics from other religious groups, to ensure they are characteristic of and unique to Jehovah's Witnesses.
In 1877, Charles Taze Russell and Nelson H. Barbour announced Songs of the Morning in their book Three Worlds.[10]Songs of the Bride, a collection of 144 songs, was published in 1879.[2] In 1890, Poems and Hymns of the Millennial Dawn[3]—with 151 poems and 333 songs, most of which were well-known compositions—was released and became the group's official hymnal until 1928. This was followed by lyrics for 11 songs appearing in the February 1, 1896 issue ofThe Watchtower, under the title Zion's Glad Songs of the Morning,[11] written by members of the denomination. A supplement of 81 songs was released in 1900, many written by a single individual, under the title Zion's Glad Songs.[12][13] Two revised editions of this hymnal were released between 1902 and 1908 with almost identical titles.[14][15] In 1905, the 333 songs published in 1890 along with musical notation were released under the title, Hymns of the Millennial Dawn.[16] This book was released in a number of other languages, mainly in a shortened version. In 1925, Kingdom Hymns was published,[17] with 80 songs intended for children and youths. In 1928 Songs of Praise to Jehovah was released,[18] which included 337 songs.[19]
Following the adoption of the name Jehovah's witnesses in 1931, the Kingdom Service Song Book was released in 1944 (and revised in 1948), which included 62 songs. This was followed by the release of Songs to Jehovah's Praise in 1950, with 91 songs. Some of the music was from hymn tunes of other churches or based on themes from classical music (for example, Beethoven's Piano Sonata no. 23 in F minor, op. 57 ("Appassionata")). Others used relatively new music, which has been used in later songbooks, including the current one.)
Sample vocal rendition of Move Ahead!.

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Sample vocal rendition of Our Reasons for Joy.

Problems playing this file? See media help.

Singing and Accompanying[edit]

Singing and Accompanying Yourselves with Music in Your Heartswas released in 1966, with 119 songs. Melodies identified as not having been written by Jehovah's Witnesses were replaced. For the first time, a policy was adopted of including only material written and composed by Jehovah's Witnesses, though some songs composed by non-Witnesses were unintentionally included.[20]

Sing Praises to Jehovah[edit]

In 1984, Sing Praises to Jehovah, was released, which includes 225 songs. It was subsequently introduced in many other languages. Many songs in Sing Praises to Jehovah were present in the previous two books; some that were found not to have been written by members of Jehovah's Witnesses were excluded, and many new songs were added. Two songs had the melodies changed, and various textual revisions were made.[20]

Sing to Jehovah[edit]

Sing to Jehovah, Jehovah's Witnesses' current hymnal
In 2009, the release of a new hymnal, Sing to Jehovah, was announced; as of January 2010, it is the current hymnal used at religious services of Jehovah's Witnesses.[21] It contains 135 songs, 42 of which are new. Many songs from earlier editions are retained; some melodies and lyrics have been changed, and some songs have had verses removed. Some melodies have completely new lyrics, and some lyrics have been set to new melodies. Reduced editions comprising 55 songs are available in 22 less common languages.[22] Six volumes of orchestral and vocal arrangements based on 114 songs from Sing to Jehovah have also been released.[23]

Kingdom Melodies[edit]

A series of light orchestral arrangements of Kingdom songs entitled Kingdom Melodies was first released in 1980.[24] They are intended for listening, and are not well suited for accompanying singing. The earlier recordings in the series were from the 1966 hymnal Singing and Accompanying Yourselves With Music in Your Hearts, and the later ones from Sing Praises to Jehovah.
Installments of Kingdom Melodies were issued in cassette and phonograph formats annually during the 1980s. From 1996 to 2000, the series was re-issued as nine volumes on CD. In 2006, the series was released on CD in MP3 format. Since September 2008, the songs have also been made available for download at the Watch Tower Society's media site, jw.org.

Use in worship[edit]

Typically, Jehovah's Witnesses sing three songs at their midweek- and weekend meetings for worship. The entire congregation sings,[25] usually accompanied by a piano recording on compact disc, although some congregations have a piano or a band. Meetings open and close with a song and prayer, along with a song during an interlude between the two sections of the meeting. Songs are selected to match the theme of the meeting program. Songs to introduce the Congregation Bible Study and the Service Meeting are found in the newsletter, Our Kingdom Ministry, and those for theWatchtower study are on the front cover of The Watchtower Study Edition. The song used to introduce the public talk is normally chosen by the speaker. Songs are also used at assemblies and conventions, and sometimes at different events at Watch Tower Society branch offices.

Personal use[edit]

Also in the publications of Jehovah's Witnesses it is promoted that Witnesses listen to this music in their personal time "in order to cultivate love for God's Kingdom". In order to encourage members to do so, recordings of the hymns are available for download at jw.org and it is possible to order CDs or MP3 in for members without internet access.

See also[edit]


  1. Jump up^ Between Resistance and Martyrdom: Jehovah's Witnesses in the Third Reich by Detlef Garbe, Univ of Wisconsin Press, 2008, ISBN 0-299-20790-0ISBN 978-0-299-20790-8, page 207
  2. Jump up to:a b Mann, William I. (arr.) Songs of the Bride. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Published at the Office of Zion's Watch Tower, 1879.
  3. Jump up to:a b RUSSELL, Charles Taze & RUSSELL, Mary Frances (eds.). Poems and Hymns of Dawn. Allegheny, Pa.: Tower Publishing Company, 1890. 493 p.; RUSSELL, Charles Taze & RUSSELL, Mary Frances (eds.). Poems and Hymns of Dawn. Allegheny, Pa.: Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, [1898?]. 493 p.
  4. Jump up^ BARKER, Charles C. (comp.). Hymns of the Morning : Designed for the Use of God’s People. Concord, N.H.: Charles W. Sargent, 1872. 144 p., 283 hymns; BARKER, Charles C. (comp.). Hymns of the Morning : Designed for the Use of God’s People. Concord, N.H.: Charles W. Sargent, 1873. 164 p., 307 hymns
  5. Jump up^ BLISS, P.P. & SANKEY, Ira D. Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs : as used by them in Gospel Meetings. New York: Biglow & Main ; Cincinnati, John Church & Co., 1875. 112 p. 133 hymns; Gospel Hymns consolidated embracing volumes no. 1, 2, 3 and 4 without duplicates, for use in gospel meetings and other religious services. New York: Biglow & Main ; Cincinnati: John Church & Co., cop. 1883. 400 p.
  6. Jump up^ GORHAM, A.T. (compil.). The Jubilee Harp: a Choice Selection of Psalmody, Ancient and Modern: Designed for use in Public and Social Worship. Boston: Advent Christian Publication Society, 1874. 458 p., 822 hymns.
  7. Jump up^ McCABE, C.C. & MacFARLAN, D.T. (eds.). Winnowed hymns: a collection of sacred songs, especially adapted for revivals, prayer and camp meetings. New York: Biglow & Main, [1873?]. 128 p.
  8. Jump up^ The Epworth Hymnal containing standard hymns of the church, songs for the sunday-school, songs for social services, songs for the home circle, songs for special occasions. Cincinnati: Cranston & Stowe ; New York: Hunt & Eaton, cop. 1885. 231 p.
  9. Jump up^ HASTINGS, H.L. Songs of Pilgrimage : a Hymnal for the Churches of Christ. Boston, Mass.: Scriptural Tract Repository, 1886; 3rd ed., 1888. 1533 hymns
  10. Jump up^ [¿BARBOUR, Nelson H. (arr.)?]. Songs of the Morning. [Rochester, New York?: Office of Herald of the Morning?, 1877?] 67 hymns
  11. Jump up^ [McPHAIL, M.L. (compil.)]. Zion’s Glad Songs of the Mornin. En: Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence, 1896, vol. 17, no.3, february 1, 12 p., 11 hymns
  12. Jump up^ McPHAIL, M.L. Zion's Glad Songs for all ...Christian Gatherings... Allegheny, Pa.: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, [1900?]. 59 p., 82 hymns.
  13. Jump up^ "Zion's Glad Songs"The Watchtower: 274. 15 September 1900. "OUR dear Brother McPhail, who has quite a talent for music, has collected a number of new and beautiful hymns, - the music to the majority being his own composition ... entitled 'Zion's Glad Songs."
  14. Jump up^ McPHAIL, M.L. Zion's Glad Songs No. 2 : for all ...Christian Gatherings... Chicago, Ills.: K. McPhail, [1907]. 64 p., 65 hymns
  15. Jump up^ McPHAIL, M.L. Zion's Glad Songs for all ...Christian Gatherings... Chicago, Il.: M.L. McPhail, [1908]. 220 p., 248 hymns
  16. Jump up^ [RUSSELL,C.T.] Hymns of the Millennial Dawn : with Music : a Choice Collection of Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs : to Aid God's People in Singing and Making Melody in their Hearts unto the Lord. Brooklyn : Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 1906.
  17. Jump up^ Kingdom Hymns : with music. Brooklyn, N.Y.: International Bible Students Association, 1925. 63 p., 80 hymns.
  18. Jump up^ Songs of Praise to Jehovah. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 1928. 299 p., 337 hymns
  19. Jump up^ "16 Meetings for Worship, Instruction, and Encouragement". Jehovah’s Witnesses – Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom. Watch Tower Society. 1993. p. 240.
  20. Jump up to:a b "Praising Jehovah With Music". The Watchtower: 23. 15 October 1986.
  21. Jump up^ "Theocratic Ministry School Schedule", Our Kingdom Ministry, October, 2009, page 3
  22. Jump up^ List of new literature available, sent to congregations in September 2009
  23. Jump up^ See JW.org, as retrieved 2013-07-29.
  24. Jump up^ "Announcements". Our Kingdom Ministry: 4. September 1980.
  25. Jump up^ "Music That Pleases God", The Watchtower, June 1, 2000, page 28, Read online

External links[edit]

Kingdom songs