воскресенье, 16 февраля 2014 г.

1950 Сборник Songbook Medley № 1 Performed By An Orchestra

№ 1 Оркестровое исполнение. Поппури. Запись № 204 А
№ 28, № 48, № 51
      This is from record № 204A of Roy Cook's collection, recorded sometime in the 1950's. There are a few songs in this medley, including a rousing version of "Here Am I; Send Me!". The next song is one verse of № 28, "Joyous Theocratic Activity". and a rousing chorus singing song № 48, called "A Life of Praise". I haven't been able to identify some of the songs, but the first song is "The News of the Kingdom", song № 51 ("Let the wicked forsake his evil way...") The performance of "Here Am I; Send Me!" is quite different. I've never heard it in a marching band style before.

      I want to thank Brother John Sabo for transferring these records to MP3 for me, so I can share them with people throughout the world. John has digitized the complete 1966 record set, and they are on his website here: http://techdude5594.webs.com/

№ 2
      Here is another beautiful arrangement of Kingdom Songs, recorded sometime in the 1950's by brothers and sisters in the Los Angeles area.

№ 4 Детский хор
Another recording from the 1950's of children singing "Be Glad You Nations with His People!". Thanks to Italo for translating for me. (2:30)

№ 9

My first new video since the birth of my son. I've been a little bit busy, but I will do my best to produce more videos soon.

№ 10 Сольное мужское пение

1950 № 10 - Songs of Praise to Jehovah "Examine Me, O God"

      Another great organ/baritone performance from New World Records' "I Will Sing to Jehovah", produced in the 1950's.  (2:33)

№ 87
Here's a great recording of the 1950's version of "Extending Mercy to Others", introduced by a young boy who is probably around 60 years old now.

Прекрасны голоса детей -
Они узнали Бога,
Их ум становится светлей -
Духовно все здоровы.
© Н.К.

Here is a gorgeous recording of the 31st Gilead Class singing "Christ Is Here" at the 1958 Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses at Yankee Stadium.

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